About Us

Eldee Station is in the hands of a fourth generation station family, the Schmidt's who have held the Eldee Leasehold area since the 1930's. The same leases where the first large pastoral station was set up on the Mundi Mundi Plains and the Barrier Ranges. Guests can visit the Site of the first station buildings, well and the grave sites of 4 of the family - the Whittings - that settled here by the 1860's. Stephen and Naomi Schmidt have a keen interest in the local area and in particular the stainability of their sheep and cattle station but also tourism which means less grazing pressure on our paddocks.

Eldee Station was the first tourism operation set up in far western NSW and was set up over 17 years ago and was the only one for many hundreds of kilometers. Our hard work of diversifying from farmers to tourism entrepreneurs due to a slump in wool prices over 16 years ago has been an enjoyable journey. Eldee Station Stay is now a highly regarded award winning accommodation property in Outback NSW, and we are very proud to say that. We are now gaining national and international reputation for hosting small to medium size groups and events having high standard world class facilities and services in far western New South Wales.

Our commitment to getting right for our visitors is borne out in the high standard of facilities and services we offer to our visitors.

Naomi and Stephen are passionate about the natural history and heritage in the landscape on their leasehold land known as Eldee Station. They are strong supporters of the 'Tread Lightly Program' where they provide responsible recreational experiences while protecting the integrity of our outback desert border country.

Naomi and Stephen participate wherever possible in the local tourism industry to ensure the continuity of tourism in outback NSW.